The Gospel

Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the GOSPEL which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

[Paul, writing to Christians @ Corinth, 1 Cor. 15:1-4]

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Genesis 1:27

Title: In the image of God

Life is never an empty start, and it is not true that it is a journey in search of meaning and purpose.

Life commences possessing all the possibilities and capacity for holiness, which is humanity’s defining virtue in recognition of his preeminence over all created beings.

From birth to the moment of his last conscious breath, man is worshipping God. His tenure above ground is one deliberate act of adoration, whether he acknowledges it or not, and for which he will be subject to judgment at the end of time.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Matthew 5:14

Title: Light of the world

In thick darkness a faint glimmer of light can be seen from a very great distance, not unlike the flicker of starlight. This kind is not bright enough to surmount the gloom in the world and in the hearts of men.

The glow of the light from God is near and powerful, and bathes and impacts everyone with the warmth and the brilliance of the good deeds of the Christian testimony, to the praise of God and the salvation of the lost.

Genesis 19:17

Title: Don’t look back

The luxuries and the baubles of the world could turn our hearts into a column of salt even before our entire being is petrified by the judgment of God, and the eyes need not gaze back because the consciousness has never really left the city of splendor and comfort;

unbridled enjoyment of worldly pleasures makes the mind numb and the heart foolish.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Matthew 5:13

Title: Salt

Does the demonstration of your life make people thirst for God?

One of the characteristics of salt is that it makes you thirsty, aside from enhancing the flavor of food and acting as preservative.

When our words and actions speak of the God of love and judgment, people who have lived in the dark all their lives begin to hunger and thirst for the light of truth. Many may reject the testimony of righteousness at the onset, but no one can deny their need for God once the emptiness of their lives is exposed next to the blameless way of life of the Christian.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Psalm 23:1

Title: I shall not be in want

I shall not be in want of any other shepherd, without even considering the perks of being under the care and guidance of one.

With the Lord as shepherd, every situation in life is green pasture; even the raging waters of trials and persecution will be shallow and quiet in his presence; and the shadow of death will just be a shadow.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

John 5:5

Title: Thirty-eight years

God wants us to know that although He is omniscient, He is still interested to know us at a human level.

And this interest is usually triggered by a need on our part for which we have no solution, and not because of our fame or fortune as broadcast abroad in society.

God reaches down to those who are helpless, with a majesty that is distinctively down-to-earth, so no one could murmur that help and comfort are beyond their reach and understanding.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

John 4:28

Title: Leaving her water jar

When confronted with the truth in the presence of God, the only valid course of action would be away from even the fundamental necessities of physical subsistence and into a state of spiritual accountability, for the joy of being exposed for sin and yet not condemned, but instead led to the fountain of living, cleansing water.