(Rev. 17:6; Rev. 14:8; Rev. 18:2)
Title: Drunken with the blood of the saints
The U.S.A. is Babylon the Great!
Mainstream Christianity may disagree with this reading from the book of Revelation, but the undeniable reality is that the persecution of the Christian church in what once was the "land of the free" has commenced and intensified under the baton of Mr. Barry Soetoro, aka B.H. Obama.
In the coming months comprising the remaining term of Mr. B.H. Obama, the (LGBT abomination and the Same-sex [union] abomination agendas) will be forced down the throats of Christian congregations, and those who will stand firm in defense of the Bible will suffer greatly: economic isolation, imprisonment, or even death.
The warning to the Christian is clear: Come out of Babylon [America]! (Jer. 51:6-9; Rev. 18:4)
NOTE: As a first line of defence, Christian congregations MUST indicate in their by-laws that their pastors/ministers are mandated to conduct wedding ceremonies only for registered members, and are mandated to hire office staff/workers from among the registered members exclusively.