Title: Hooks in Russia's jaws
(Russia, together with a host of nations, will nuke the U.S. and destroy it in one day, even in one hour)
What is happening now worldwide is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in overdrive, and particularly at the forefront is Russia, whose economy is being battered by U.S.-led sanctions, the hooks that will force Putin to attack mainland U.S.A. with tactical nuclear weapons; and since the majority of American troops are deployed in other countries fighting useless wars, the U.S doesn't stand a chance against Russia, China, and Iran.
And this prophecy being fulfilled inside B.H. Obama's remaining years in office (2015-16) is almost a certainty.
The clarion call is distinct and clear: Christians, come out of the U.S. while there is still time, for the doors will be shut and no one shall escape (Jer. 51:6-9; Rev. 18:4,5)
(And the Pre-Tribulation, Pre-Wrath Rapture Theories are a hoax!)