Title: Homosexuality
When it comes to the subject of homosexuality, the Christian has no opinion but what the Word of God teaches and which is sanctioned by patterns in nature.
The sodomite must admit that even he/she was the result of a heterosexual relationship, and that a homosexual union is not viable in the sense that it cannot produce life. If every union on this planet was of the same sex, the population would decrease immediately and life would cease to exist inside a century; whereas marriage would guarantee the continuation of life.
Homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of the Creator, and is so abominable to God that this transgression is already a judgment in itself, and where the offender is given over to the full course of his/her indecent acts, and receive in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
But, as in the case of any other sin, those who would repent and believe the gospel would be cleansed of their sins and receive the gift of eternal life (1Cor. 6:11).