1 TIMOTHY 6:3-11
But if we (Paul, Timothy, and all pastors) have food and clothing, we will be
content with that
Theme of 1st Timothy:
The Pastor's Conduct
Without a doubt, the
Apostle Paul was referring to the man of God in these passages, and God
commands the pastor to "run away from all this," namely: conceit,
unhealthy interest in controversies, quarrels about words, use of the ministry
as a means to financial gain, the desire to get rich, and love of money.
FLEE, for the man of
God/pastor who would cater to personal financial gain via the ministry of the
body of the Lord Jesus will ultimately have a destructive departure from the
sound doctrine of our Lord Jesus, the Christ, and from godly instruction, in
order to tickle the ears of those from whom the cash flow trickles into his
coffers, just to fall into a pit of his own design and filled with sharp stakes
and spikes.
Pastor, are you rich
If your answer is
"yes," I can tell you now that your preaching is getting shallower
each passing Sunday, and that you can no longer shout in rebuke: "THUS
And Thus sayeth the Lord
(1TIM.6:3-11). Amen.