Title: Until the apostasy occurs
Nelson Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible defines “apostasy” as: the determined, willful rejection of Jesus
and His teachings by a Christian believer; a falling away from the faith.”
one school of thought reads this verse as Christians leaving established
congregations because of unbelief, it is more likely describing the condition
of the church near the End of the Age, where it will have an outward semblance
to Christianity, however rejecting the Bible as authoritative, as the ONLY
framework and guide in Christian living, social life, and government.
into consideration the silence of many pulpits against the sins of sodomy,
same-sex union/abomination, and abortion, to mention a few of the moral
subjects intriguing societies and governments today. Before the onslaught of the promotion of
abomination in all sectors of humanity, the church seeks to be politically
correct and inoffensive in its message, teaching philosophies of men rather
than heralding “thus says the Lord.”
this effect, we must remember that the Word of God will always be a stumbling block
to those who are perishing. To cater to
the determination of this evil generation that speaking against sodomy,
same-sex union/abomination, abortion, and a host of other sins against the Holy
God of the Bible is “hate speech,” is synonymous to apostasy, a rejection of
Jesus and His teachings.