Title: In the beginning was the Word
Big Bang Theory engenders more questions than explanations to the subject that
has puzzled the heathen since the time man chose himself over God or stopped
believing in God altogether: the origin of the universe.
first glance, the quest may seem legitimate, but actually starts with the wrong
foot. Origin necessitates a maker, for
the simple reason that nothing can create itself; there has to be an outside
entity that would cause something into existence.
this point may we ask the Big Bang Theory advocate where the elements that
surround the concept originate: space, time, matter, energy?
a ten dollar Bible would have told the pseudo-scientist that the universe had
no physical origin: The universe started
with God and was spoken into being by his Word.
The origin of the cosmos is spiritual; and true to form, scientific
investigation could not come up with the building-block or the essence of
matter, because matter was created out of nothing according to the Scriptures.