Title: Unto the coming of the Lord
Clarke (Adam Clarke Commentary, published 1810-1826) argues against the
Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory
the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory a prevalent and accepted teaching prior to 1830?
consideration of the Commentary and Critical Notes by Adam Clarke which was
completed in 1826, I beg to contend to the contrary. Clarke, in his notes on (1 Thess. 4:15) saw
the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus, that “We may suppose that the judgment
will now be set, and the books opened, and the dead judged out of the things
written in those books.”
in the world did a Bible commentator of Clarke’s caliber and scholarship fail
to mention a Pre-Tribulation Rapture event in conjunction with (1 Thess.
4:13-18)? The answer is simple: he did
not fail, because prior to 1830, when the false Pre-Tribulation Rapture
Doctrine came out of Scotland, it was unknown among the churches and in
Christian literature.
was justified in interpreting (1 Thess. 4:13-18) as the Second Coming of the
Lord Jesus, and not a snatching away of the church seven years prior to the
Second Coming.