Title: Conformed to the image of his Son
The greatest good for man is to be like his Creator.
To achieve this, one has to be born from above by faith in the Lord Jesus. By becoming a child of God through faith, a Christian becomes a participant in the glory and suffering of the Son of God. A believer cannot do otherwise because a saint who loves God with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his mind and with all his strength has been powerfully appointed to triumph in every situation in life.
Every event in the life of a believer cooperates with the Lord God in his plan to jointly form us with the image of his Son. Every situation, be it good or evil at first glance, is a tool in God’s hands to shape us into readiness for an eternity of worship and service in a kingdom that will never end.
Therefore we must seize every opportunity to be molded into spiritual maturity by the very God who created all things through the Lord Jesus and the Spirit who hovered upon the face of the waters of the primeval creation.